The Tooth Ninja (Digital)


Ready to get the story? This 1st edition version is a digital copy for your viewing pleasure.  It can easily be added to Kindle, iPad, Nook or PC.




What? A Tooth Ninja?

So you haven’t heard about the Tooth Ninja? Don’t worry you aren’t alone. This book was written to help get the word out about someone else needing children’s lost teeth. Everyone knows about the Tooth Fairy and gets excited to leave her their lost teeth. But what if someone else needed those lost teeth? Well someone does….the Tooth Ninja. Each page of this surprising book tells his story in vivid detail. As his story unfolds, children and adults will cheer with him as he embarks on his quest to save his village.

Little did this ninja know that on his quest he would find a new friend and become something more….The Tooth Ninja.


Additional information

1st Edition

This is also the 1st edition, so if you pick the hard cover option it will come signed by Stephanie.

Digital Edition

This is the digital version, created to go perfectly on your Kindle, iPad or other eReader.

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